About Me

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We, The Clayton Clan, consist of Rick (52), Kristen (50), Michael (14), Lexi (12), and Dani Kaye (10). We also have 4 older daughters. Kerri (33) and her family - husband Adam (Kimball), and children Shannon/Niecey (13) Derick (10) and Braeden (4) own a home 1.25 miles from us. Our second, Ericka (30) and her husband Tommy Kimball (yes, my daughters married brothers) also live here in the Provo/Orem area and have one daughter Elisabeth/ "Little Lissa" (2). Our third daughter, Sierra (26) and her husband, Taylor, have 3 daughters - Ali (6) Kailena (3) and Annalee (18 mos). They also live here in town with us. Our 4th daughter, Shanna (23) and her husband Alex (who she married on her parents' 32nd anniversary) have one daughter, Olivia (9 mos.) They own a home here in the Provo/Orem area.

06 January 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Well, we haven't updated in a bit so I just wanted to say that Christmas went well and was fun...all the babies enjoyed ripping off the paper and Michael especially got the hang of it pretty quick! Then for New Years Kristen, Rick, Ericka, Shanna, Michael and Lexi went to Las Vegas to see Debbie, Jenni, Janell and John. We had fun there (we hadn't actually been to their house since we moved from AZ six years ago) and appreciate all they did for us and the time we got to spend together. On the way home Lexi FINALLY cut her first tooth!!! That wasn't the greatest car ride we've ever taken but at least we know she won't be toothless forever. Unfortunately we don't have any pictures from Vegas (or at least none that have been uploaded to the computer yet) Anyway...church starts early tomorrow so we're off to bed.