About Me

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We, The Clayton Clan, consist of Rick (52), Kristen (50), Michael (14), Lexi (12), and Dani Kaye (10). We also have 4 older daughters. Kerri (33) and her family - husband Adam (Kimball), and children Shannon/Niecey (13) Derick (10) and Braeden (4) own a home 1.25 miles from us. Our second, Ericka (30) and her husband Tommy Kimball (yes, my daughters married brothers) also live here in the Provo/Orem area and have one daughter Elisabeth/ "Little Lissa" (2). Our third daughter, Sierra (26) and her husband, Taylor, have 3 daughters - Ali (6) Kailena (3) and Annalee (18 mos). They also live here in town with us. Our 4th daughter, Shanna (23) and her husband Alex (who she married on her parents' 32nd anniversary) have one daughter, Olivia (9 mos.) They own a home here in the Provo/Orem area.

10 February 2007

Big News!

Well...as some may know, Kerri has been anxiously waiting for the day that her and Shannon and Adam would all be together again as a family. Adam went to Army Basic in April of 2005 and was in training until Oct. 2005. He then came home for a small two week break, most of which him, Kerri, and Shannon spent in WA with his family, and after coming down for a couple of days here...he flew off to Germany where he has been ever since. It is now (obviously) February 2007! They were expecting things to go smoothly and for Kerri and Shannon to be in Germany with him within maybe 6 months...did that happen? Not so much. There were passport issues, paperwork issues, etc. FINALLY Kerri and Shannon got their passports...and six months later their military orders. The next "official" step would have been to wait to be contacted by a military office somewhere, and have the military make travel plans for them, and tell them when they are flying out. That could've taken anywhere from 2 weeks to another 6 months. So....after they discussed it, and got paid, Kerri and Adam decided to purchase tickets for her and Shannon to Germany and the last week or so has been CrAzY! The night they got paid they bought tickets, made flight plans and Kerri rented a storage unit for their stuff until they get back from Germany in 1 1/2 years or so. The next day my dad helped her take most of it to the storage unit and called some military numbers for Kerri. He found out that it is perfectly OK for them to make their own travel plans, but they may or may not be reimbursed for it by the Army. He also found out that after she is over there, her and Adam can still arrange to have their stuff (furniture, boxes, household goods etc.) shipped over to Germany and they can just list Mom and Dad as the people to sign for it. So that should also (theoretically) happen within a few months. That same day she also got a call stating that the flight had been delayed from last Sunday (which would have been the next day) to this Saturday (tomorrow) It's been nice having an additional week to adjust to the "Oh my gosh...Kerri and Shannon are leaving. Really leaving! They are moving out...not going to be here anymore" shock factor. Most of the exciting stuff happened tonight though. Kerri got the rest of her stuff to storage and out of their old room, we moved Michael and Lexi into the room along with all of their stuff and so far Michael's old room has become a workshop for Dad to refinish an old dresser and to build a couple of things in. After he is done, it will be used for a variety of things. So...all in all...KERRI AND SHANNON ARE GOING TO GERMANY! They couldn't be any more excited (no, really, I think Kerri would explode or something) but we will definitely miss them and our fun family times together. Now I am off to go help Dad with the dresser project! FUN!

P.S. Kerri and Adam had been thinking about just paying for Kerri and Shannon to go over there on their own for a while, but decided to wait until they had their military orders and would be under military jurisdiction or protection or something...basically they figured it's best to wait to go to an overseas destination until the military knows you're supposed to be there and wants you there!