About Me

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We, The Clayton Clan, consist of Rick (52), Kristen (50), Michael (14), Lexi (12), and Dani Kaye (10). We also have 4 older daughters. Kerri (33) and her family - husband Adam (Kimball), and children Shannon/Niecey (13) Derick (10) and Braeden (4) own a home 1.25 miles from us. Our second, Ericka (30) and her husband Tommy Kimball (yes, my daughters married brothers) also live here in the Provo/Orem area and have one daughter Elisabeth/ "Little Lissa" (2). Our third daughter, Sierra (26) and her husband, Taylor, have 3 daughters - Ali (6) Kailena (3) and Annalee (18 mos). They also live here in town with us. Our 4th daughter, Shanna (23) and her husband Alex (who she married on her parents' 32nd anniversary) have one daughter, Olivia (9 mos.) They own a home here in the Provo/Orem area.

07 December 2008

Shanna's Swing

Rick, Sierra, and I had the pleasure of attending Shanna's first ballroom performance today. Ericka, Sierra, Michael, Lexi, and Dani Kaye went back this evening for the 2nd show. Shanna did one dance. The title on the program was "Dancing Around the Christmas Tree". We are so proud of Shanna!