About Me

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We, The Clayton Clan, consist of Rick (52), Kristen (50), Michael (14), Lexi (12), and Dani Kaye (10). We also have 4 older daughters. Kerri (33) and her family - husband Adam (Kimball), and children Shannon/Niecey (13) Derick (10) and Braeden (4) own a home 1.25 miles from us. Our second, Ericka (30) and her husband Tommy Kimball (yes, my daughters married brothers) also live here in the Provo/Orem area and have one daughter Elisabeth/ "Little Lissa" (2). Our third daughter, Sierra (26) and her husband, Taylor, have 3 daughters - Ali (6) Kailena (3) and Annalee (18 mos). They also live here in town with us. Our 4th daughter, Shanna (23) and her husband Alex (who she married on her parents' 32nd anniversary) have one daughter, Olivia (9 mos.) They own a home here in the Provo/Orem area.

13 December 2009

Shanna's Samba

Shanna's dance concert (2 performances) was today. Ericka took video of the afternoon performance and I took video of the evening performance. I have uploaded this at photobucket and facebook and both places don't seem to want to play it well so I will try here and see if it works better. We are so proud of her!! Edit by Ericka: This video is of the evening performance. A video has not yet been uploaded of her afternoon one.

08 October 2009

Post To Kara

This post is mainly for myself. I made a comment on one of Kara's posts about Renee and the grieving process. I am absolutely stunned by the level of emotion that I have felt at the loss of little Riley. But Kara has been through a similar situation and she has a lot of words of wisdom on her blog for people experiencing the loss themselves and those of us who are grieving with those experiencing the loss. So I wanted to put my post to her on my blog so I would remember about her words.

Kara - I so enjoyed our chats today, both on facebook and on the phone. I was telling my RS pres that it is so interesting that at times like this, even though the grieving is horrible, that I am grateful to be able to have family to talk to and share my feelings with and listen to them share their feelings. Thank you for sharing so openly about Renee. Shanna asked, "Do you think Renee saw Nathan when she died?" I absolutely think so and I think that they both saw Riley. We are so blessed to have the knowledge of eternal families!

That book looks amazing and I will do my best to pick it up tomorrow. (Tear Soup)

I also read your post where you talked about your experience at the cemetery (with the girl who had lost her dad). I think that post is something that would help Jeffrey and Kelli when they are ready.

Thanks for being in my life Kara. I love you and Aaron tons - and that's like at least 4,000 pounds! :)

12 January 2009

No video, no pictures, just thoughts

I have been looking at others' blogs and just felt the need to express some of my feelings. First of all, our family had another wonderful and humbling Christmas. The Lord has blessed us as we have paid a full tithe this year in so many more ways than financially. He really does pour out blessings, so many that we cannot receive them all. We were also blessed again by a "Secret Santa". I was nursing Dani Kaye and the girls were downstairs putting Michael and Lexi to bed when the phone rang so it did not get answered. Then I thought I heard a car out in the snow. When the girls came back upstairs I had them check the caller ID and it was a cell phone from Vegas. I told them they had better check the front porch just in case and sure enough we found a cute little penguin ornament that opened up and inside was lots of "green". We have been visited by one or more "Secret Santas" every year that we have lived in Provo and it never stops being a humbling experience nor does it ever get easier to express my gratitude in words. Most people would probably look at our situation and almost pity us - old furniture, old cars, old clothes, etc. We, however, could not feel more blessed. We own our own home! We own a working vehicle! We have food to eat! And most of all, we live in a wonderful ward with wonderful friends and neighbors. We are truly blessed.

On thanksgiving, we went around the table several times and mentioned some of the things we are greatful for. I had a lofty goal of posting them all here but, for now, I will just mention one that I said. I am thankful for brothers who take care of my mom. I feel so far away from her here in Provo and wish so much that I were in a position to do more for her. I do, however, have wonderful brothers who help provide for her. She just recently moved in with my brother, Rick, and his wife, Nancy. I am so greatful to them for opening their home to her so that she does not have to live alone any more.

As my mom would say, "One down, seven to go." Rick finished his first semester of college with all A's and B's. He is an amazing man! I am so blessed to be his wife. There are so many times that he would have been justified in walking away from our marriage - nobody would have blamed him. I am so greatful that he stayed. During the early years (like the first 15) of our marriage, if someone had told me that we would eventually be this happy I would have never believed them.

Life is good. I am happy. That's saying a lot.