About Me

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We, The Clayton Clan, consist of Rick (52), Kristen (50), Michael (14), Lexi (12), and Dani Kaye (10). We also have 4 older daughters. Kerri (33) and her family - husband Adam (Kimball), and children Shannon/Niecey (13) Derick (10) and Braeden (4) own a home 1.25 miles from us. Our second, Ericka (30) and her husband Tommy Kimball (yes, my daughters married brothers) also live here in the Provo/Orem area and have one daughter Elisabeth/ "Little Lissa" (2). Our third daughter, Sierra (26) and her husband, Taylor, have 3 daughters - Ali (6) Kailena (3) and Annalee (18 mos). They also live here in town with us. Our 4th daughter, Shanna (23) and her husband Alex (who she married on her parents' 32nd anniversary) have one daughter, Olivia (9 mos.) They own a home here in the Provo/Orem area.

08 October 2009

Post To Kara

This post is mainly for myself. I made a comment on one of Kara's posts about Renee and the grieving process. I am absolutely stunned by the level of emotion that I have felt at the loss of little Riley. But Kara has been through a similar situation and she has a lot of words of wisdom on her blog for people experiencing the loss themselves and those of us who are grieving with those experiencing the loss. So I wanted to put my post to her on my blog so I would remember about her words.

Kara - I so enjoyed our chats today, both on facebook and on the phone. I was telling my RS pres that it is so interesting that at times like this, even though the grieving is horrible, that I am grateful to be able to have family to talk to and share my feelings with and listen to them share their feelings. Thank you for sharing so openly about Renee. Shanna asked, "Do you think Renee saw Nathan when she died?" I absolutely think so and I think that they both saw Riley. We are so blessed to have the knowledge of eternal families!

That book looks amazing and I will do my best to pick it up tomorrow. (Tear Soup)

I also read your post where you talked about your experience at the cemetery (with the girl who had lost her dad). I think that post is something that would help Jeffrey and Kelli when they are ready.

Thanks for being in my life Kara. I love you and Aaron tons - and that's like at least 4,000 pounds! :)